Marketing – a perishable commodity!
We’re fast approaching the end of another year. What can we learn from this year, and how can we use that knowledge to make next year even better? We take a look in the rear-view mirror and talk about what kinds of marketing we think will be important next year!
There’s no doubt that 2020 was a year that turned almost everything upside down for most people. Now we’re on the way out of 2021, which was the year we had to find ‘the new normal’ and gradually accustom ourselves to a different way of life than before.
This upheaval isn’t just due to the pandemic, but also involves one of the biggest changes in our industry. From investigating the enormous opportunities offered by data collection and the exploitation of personal data, we’re now focusing instead on how we can regulate the use and ownership of personal data. So that we never encroach on anyone’s private life or confidentiality.
Read more about how we continuously work with data security at Kobler.
Changes in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
At Kobler, we don’t merely care a great deal about privacy. It’s also an important part of our product, and the core of our business. Something that’s receiving attention far beyond Norway’s boundaries. In November, Kobler’s founder and CEO Erik Bugge was invited to give a talk to the EU parliament, and to participate in a debate panel on the subject of integrity and marketing. The conference in Brussels was broadcast live and gave rise to great interest all over the world. Shortly after the conference, Erik was invited back to Brussels again, this time to present Kobler’s view of the challenges represented by confidentiality – and to discuss potential solutions. The presentation was given to an audience of people who make decisions on digital legislation within the EU parliament.
The fact that the Kobler team was given the opportunity to contribute our opinions in this area is huge – not merely for us at Kobler, but for everyone interested in protecting the human right to a private life.
We work in this industry because we love marketing and advertising. But we also have a clear goal of giving the recipient access to advertising they’re actually interested in. We’ve learned that intelligent marketing doesn’t mean chasing potential customers, but rather being present where the customer is, when the customer needs us. The recipient must feel the ad is relevant and useful, but not intrusive!
Metro Branding focus on stimulating feelings in their marketing by creating the right brand associations. As Maren Merakerås from Metro Branding says, it’s about conveying a message the customer will retain. Read the whole post and get inspired by Maren!
Visibility – the metric of the future?
We know that contextual advertising gives you the opportunity to show your target audience the way and guide them, with high precision but without using personal data. We also know that contextual advertising gives enormously good visibility. Here the figures speak for themselves.
And unlike traditional programmed advertising, where many ads just fall into a ‘black hole’ that you can’t analyze, contextual advertising via the Kobler platform means you also know exactly where your ads are placed.
Focusing on relevance and visibility is always right. We see a clear change in user behavior here. Customers are no longer as keen to click on ads. What’s important for you as an advertiser is instead how much time and attention the recipient spends on the ad. In other words, without clicking on it.
Have you missed our guest blogger, Ibrahim El Kadi from Wideroe? In his latest post, he talks about how the company changed its marketing strategy and shifted focus from tactical campaigns to allowing their brand to grow in customers’ hearts by creating a desire to travel. Read Ibrahim’s inspirational story!
Video in banners – a sure-fire winner!
Context-based advertising is never wrong, but if you really want to capture the attention of your target audience, you should seriously consider video in banners. Nothing gets more attention than moving images. It’s human nature to be drawn to movements. With what are already great results for normal contextual advertising, you can expect sky-high visibility figures if you use video in banners via Kobler!
In 2021, there’s been a shortage of ad space in both linear TV and online video. And there are clear indications that this trend will remain constant in 2022. That’s why we’ve focused even more on conveying the fantastic opportunities available when you add video to your advertising banners. Figures from SeenThis show that the average watch time increases by 24% when you add a video to the banner. We ran a test with Tine, showing that the total equation increased by a full 84% compared to a benchmark consisting of around 70 tests of normal display ads. We feel that you can build your brand effectively by using video in banners, in the right context, as a complement to other activities where moving images are important.
And you don’t need a huge budget to get started. Just like normal ads, effective banner videos can also be low cost. The only thing you need to remember is that the images must be high quality. Think concept, message, and relevance. Many ads are low quality and rarely give the desired effect. If you don’t have the in-house skills to do this, there are plenty of skilled people in the industry who can help.
If it’s done right, video in the right context opens up exciting opportunities that can produce amazing results. Want to know more about how you can use video in banners? Contact us!
Find the perfect timing with Always On!
Today’s digital landscape gives us enormous opportunities that we could previously only dream of. From having had to plan every marketing effort based on seasons and events, we can now use simple tools to be constantly present on the media stage. And for your customer to have your brand in mind when they’re ready to buy, that constant presence is extremely important.
Many things are predictable, but you can’t foresee everything. Like when themes or subjects suddenly become big media news. With a continuous campaign, you make sure you’re in the right place in the very second a relevant article is published. With Always On campaigns, the Kobler platform controls the budget so you use your spend where relevance is highest, at the right time and in the right place.
As well as optimizing your budget, Always On helps facilitate and build a relationship of trust, which makes the customer’s choice easy when it’s time to buy. In other words, you make sure you’re top of mind for the customer when they’re ready to take the next step. With Always On, you can focus on building and creating a solid relationship with your customers, based on high levels of trust.
When you exploit every opportunity to be visible in the right place at the right time, you’re certain to reach your target audience. With an Always On campaign, you don’t merely create a positive, continuous presence; you also save time and money by optimizing your budget and your advertising.
Remember that marketing is a perishable commodity.
To succeed with your marketing, you need to be relevant and present – always!
Want to know more about the opportunities our Always On service could bring you in 2022?
Contact us!
The Kobler team wishes you all a truly peaceful Christmas, and hope next year is just as productive as it is exciting!
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Do you have questions? Wonder how to start using contextual marketing? Contact one of our advisers!

- Senior Advisor
- +47 930 30 369