Security to the people
There is one thing everyone at Kobler is passionate about; security. The protection of privacy is the very core of our business that naturally affects everything we do. No wonder October makes us extra happy since it is the official national security month.
With technology comes responsibility
We live in a time where everything is possible! But with such enormous possibilities comes big responsibilities. New technical solutions are constantly being developed at lightning speed, and we can create everything we previously could only dream of! At least when it comes to technology, it enables us to make the impossible possible. Unfortunately, not everything we create is exclusively positive. The technology also makes us very vulnerable and exposed to, among other things, harassment, hacking and ID theft. We all need to take this seriously!
Security on the agenda
EU regulations and GDPR legislation challenge us to take more action to focus on security. It is not just us as vulnerable individuals; entire companies report hacker attacks, and nations have recently had their safety put to the test.
Fundamental to all human beings is the need to feel safe as individuals, companies, and as a nation. Security is all about respect for human beings and safe use of the technology we develop. It is not about slowing down development but instead thinking wisely about a safe and secure future for all of us. It's time to take control!
Zero control in the driver's seat
Google and Facebook are prime examples of those who have taken advantage of the opportunities offered by technology and created their very own universe. To the great joy of many and the headache of others. Their universe not only consists of a starry sky full of amazing possibilities, but it also consists of some black holes, where what you put in disappears and causes you to lose control.
The main challenge is that we need insight and control to know what is actually happening! Not just to yourself and the recipient but also your brand. When we leave the steering wheel to others, we make ourselves vulnerable.
Fortunately, lack of control and transparency has created growth for others who wanted to create a safer world. This was precisely the start of our journey and the development of the Kobler platform. We wanted to provide a safe and complete alternative to advertisers and marketers.
Safety among the unsafe
With security and transparency as our cornerstones, we started the development. The result was an advertising platform that is 100% transparent, completely safe: Entirely without using personal data and without compromising the outcome. A survey conducted by Kobler, the Norwegian association of advertisers, and YouGov shows that you get up to 750% increased effect with contextual advertising!
100% transparency
By 100% transparent, we mean the insight you have in all parts of the platform. We have no "black holes." The ads you run through our system enables you to follow every step of the way from start to finish. You will always know where, when, and in what way your ads are making an impact. One example is how the platform provides you the screenshots which shows how your ads were placed on article content, also behind payment walls.
100% safe
We promise you completely safe advertising! Both for you as an advertiser, for your recipients, and not least, we make sure that you prevent your brand from being placed on content you do not want to be associated with.
0% use of personal data
We do not use personal data in our advertising platform. With contextual advertising, you do not need to pursue people to get the full effect. When you advertise contextually, you are only concerned with the interest of those you want to reach. Logically, it does not matter if you are a man, woman, 20 or 50 years old if you are interested in motorcycles! An advertisement for motorcycle clothing placed in an article about motorcycles will therefore be guaranteed to reach the target group because it is highly relevant to the reader.
Contextual ads appears only on safe editorial sites
We put high demands on our publishers. Today, that adds up to more than 65 online newspapers across Aller, Schibsted, Amedia, Egmont, Bonnier, Polaris, TV2, and others, in Norway and Sweden. By this we can guarantee that our customers’ ads are only placed on safe editorial websites, and will never have their brand damaged by being displayed on publishers with fake news or content that unrightfully influences political choices.
Trends and new regulations point clearly to a safer future
There is no doubt that the efforts that have been made so far in the form of raising awareness around the topics, technology, and security, have so far been successful. And with the authorities stepping up with new regulations and legislation, it commits us, even more, to commit to the cause entirely. These days, among other things, the EU is working to clarify rules and a ban on comprehensive commercial surveillance in connection with the regulation of the "Digital Service Act." The Norwegian Consumer Council - Forbrukerrådet - fully supports this and further calls for a ban on advertising based on tracking and profiling.
But the job is far from over. We must constantly be vigilant and continue to develop safe technological solutions. At Kobler, we are proud to be a part of this exciting journey that we hope can inspire and encourage others to be more aware of the negative effects the surveillance based advertising has on society, and that there are better and equally effective alternatives.
Are you curious about what you can do for a safer future?
Do not hesitate to get in touch!
matches ads
with content
Do you have questions? Wonder how to start using contextual marketing? Contact one of our advisers!

- Senior Advisor
- +47 930 30 369