Be aware of where you advertise
Recent developments in the world have put even more pressure on advertisers to be visible in the right context. But if your marketing is focused on contextual advertising, you can relax.
The extremely serious situation that is unfolding in the world right now puts a mark on the news headlines and front pages in the country. There is also a huge number of articles circulating that most of us wouldn’t want our brand to be associated with.
This is not a reason to stop all marketing activities, but you need to be extra careful and make sure that you are in control of where your ads are seen. At Kobler, we can help you with that. By targeting your ads to a safe context and excluding articles you don’t want to be associated with, you protect not only your brand, but also your audience. We can guarantee that your ads will never appear on any front pages of online news sites that tend to show sensitive content.
Advertise safely no matter what
A built-in sensitivity filter in the Kobler platform ensures your ads do not end up on articles containing violence, terrorism, etc. When advertising contextually, you choose which articles you want to advertise. In the same way, you can also easily exclude articles you don’t want to be associated with.
Content Target, combined with our sensitivity filter, means that you can safely advertise even in demanding times.

matches ads
with content
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